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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Blowing Smoke

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission has released more than 2000 pages of documents relating to Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers. You can check out detailed scans of some of these documents at The Smoking Gun website.

They show two things: 1) Harriet Miers loves George Bush and 2) Harriet Miers isn't too bright.

Some examples (these are 100% real, even though they sound like something from The Onion:

"Dear Governor GWB, You are the best governor ever -- deserving of great respect! Thank you for your listening and for your time this week."

"Jesus is blessed!"

"Thank you for taking the time to visit in the office and on the plane back. Cool!
Keep up all the great work. The State is in great hands. Thanks also for yours and your family's personal sacrifice."

"Thank you for all you and Laura do for the people of our State!"

"You and Laura are the greatest!"

Good grief.

Comments on ""


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:55 AM) : 

Not that it makes much of a difference (other than to reinforce her crony image) but I checked out the Smoking Gun images and it looks like she said "Texas is blessed" rather than "Jesus is blessed".


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