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Monday, January 30, 2006

Kill the Messenger (Or if you can't kill him, give him a high level appointment)

I really don't know what more to say about this, other than this is the ultimate example of corruption and conflicts of interests. The Jack Abramoff investigation, which has thousands of connections to the White House directly, has been effectively halted because Bush has appointed the chief prosecutor to a federal judgeship. What a nice way of ensuring that he won't/can't do anything to implicate the Criminal President or the Criminal Congress.

The Democrats are trying to use this disgusting appointment to get an independent prosecutor to conduct the investigation, as they should:

The timing of Mr. Hillman's nomination "jaundices this whole process," Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, said in an interview. "They have to appoint a special counsel. I think there will be broad support for one."

Representative George Miller, Democrat of California, called the timing "startling" and said, "You have one of the chief prosecutors removed from a case that has tentacles throughout the Republican leadership of Congress, throughout the various agencies and into the White House."

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